Thursday, 30 April 2009

The Resistance is Fighting

If you haven't heard already, and have been living life under a stone, then Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles life currently hangs on an uncertain thread. FOX has yet to announce its TV line up for fall and whilst their execs are weighing up the good and bad, SCC fans are definately fighting back by signing petitions, emailing and calling the FOX customer line, along with anything else they can possible think of to save this awesome show.

It features on TV Guide's 7 show's they'd keep (Source), Zap 2 it have an 86% keep it (Source) whilst on twitter ashman01, the show's creator and SaveTerminator are doing all they can to inform fans of how to help.

I have to add my full support for saving this brilliantly written, originally filmed, and well acted series. Terminator: Salvation will soon be upon us, bringing new and old fans back into the fold, surely it would be an extroadinarily bad time to terminate this awesome addition to the machine driven empire?

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