Sunday 26 October 2008

Britannia High - NEW SERIES

Making a welcome debut and exciting addition to the Sunday night schedule came “Britannia High”, ITV’s blend of fame meets high school musical. Set in London, Lauren (Georgina Hagen) rocks up for her first day of the new term and the stereotypical talent school genre starts to roll off with quiet boredom. Claudine is the obvious bitch, who takes immediate offence to Lauren as she was talent spotted rather than having to audition, Danny is the “hot” guy who tries to be nice to everyone, and Lauren is the girl who really doesn’t understand what she’s doing in a place like this. I had a feeling it was going to be very obvious, middle of the road and uninspiring.

I gave it five minutes, then ten, and by fifteen I was actually quite enjoying it. With Arlene Phillips & Gary Barlow behind the choreography and musical numbers it started to change my opinion from just another talent show to something that actually had an edge. It was still pretty plain sailing from the writers with few risks taken but it still worked, our climax to the episode had us wondering will she, won’t she, as Lauren and dance partner Danny performed their first group dance showcase night. Lauren, not be the natural dancer, had not yet completed a difficult lift sequence and though she made it on the night, it still had us wondering if she might fall into a heap of embarrassing awfulness in front of the audience, teachers and worse still her fellow students. She then promptly fainted, was talked around from quitting by teacher Frank Nugent, and Claudine surprisingly showed that she had a heart inside that icy exterior.

Concluding the episode was a kiss between Lauren and Danny and another musical number, this time danced across the roof tops, and a feeling that I’d like to see where this show takes us. I love that it’s set in London and we actually get to see the city, I love Mitch Hewer aka Skins fame (though I’m not sure about his new buffon hairstyle) and the musical number between bitch Claudine and uncomfortable newcomer Lauren really got me into the show. The website is also interesting with video’s, character perspective biographies and blogs & behind the scene’s information so you can get inside the students world. Can’t wait to see more.

Mitch Hewer & Georgina Hagen play budding romantics Danny & Lauren

ITV - Sundays at 18.15

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