Monday 10 November 2008

Britannia High - Episode 3

With its ratings slumping ITV desperately dragged Britannia High to the primetime slot of 7pm this past Sunday, to little effect. The problem isn't the timeslot here, the problem is the show itself. What may have looked like a great idea on paper isn't working on television and I'll be absolutely amazed if it goes further than the 9 pre-filmed episodes of this series.

With no mention of Danny's dyslexia from last week we jumped straight into the singing and dancing disaster with Jez's story, quickly realising that he was lying to his new found fame seeking friends about who he was and where he'd come from. I didn't much care to be honest. It soom emerged that his father wanted him to go to business school, Jez had enrolled at Britannia High without saying anything and soon everything came pouring out into the open with many tears and angst ridden songs. The only refreshing thing here was that his father made no bother about his son being gay, it was a given, it hadn't been brought up in a negative or positive way, it has just been let be. Where as most stories surrounding gay characters tend to be geared towards their sexuality it was encouraging to see that here it was Jez himself that was the focus, not which side he batted for. However, that said, this is not enough to save this quickly sinking ship (though I fear it's already beneath the waters). With lack lustre and somewhat obvious storylines, characters that fit into the classical stereotypes but don't actually live up to them, and some pretty bad acting, I think its perhaps time for Britannia High to close.

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